Rainbow Bouquet

A vibrant and cheerful selection of mixed coloured roses, gerberas, chrysanthemum daisies, lilies and purple iris. Show someone special just how much they mean to you with the beautiful Rainbow Bouquet.

Please note: We only use the freshest flowers so lilies may be sent as closed buds. This will ensure your bouquet lasts longer and your lucky recipient enjoys them unfurling to full bloom.

A vibrant and cheerful selection of mixed coloured roses, gerberas, chrysanthemum daisies, lilies and purple iris. Show someone special just how much they mean to you with the beautiful Rainbow Bouquet. Please note: We only use the freshest flowers so lilies may be sent as closed buds. This will ensure your bouquet lasts longer and your lucky recipient enjoys them unfurling to full bloom.
Click to call 1300 15 25 35